Tuesday 18 December 2012

Casting - Lady Sovereign

The person who is going to play our lady sovereign (the female lead) is Josie, we picked her because she is a drama student and she is familiar with working and acting behind a camera. We also feel that she has the right look - slightly urban.
Her costume will consist of plain black jeans, trainers, denim shirt, chain, glasses, snapback hat and a plain (no logos) purple hoodie.
Below is a collage of the costume that lady sovereign will wear

Lady Sovereign

Costume and Prop Ideas

Park scene

Band performance

Window cleaner scene

Office scene

Lady Sovereign

Monday 17 December 2012

Meeting one

Over the past weeks we've had meetings in discussing ideas and merging them together for our final pitch for our music video to 'Nine2Five'. We have also discussed how our music video will be laid out on our storyboard, by deciding what camera shots and movements to use for what scene and where. This has involved having to make some changes in order for it to run smoothly and the story to make sense. Our original ideas was that the lead worked as a presenter, hated his job and Lady Soverign was somehow linked to him, like his manager for example. We decided to change this idea after realising that this made the music video too structured, restricting us on what we can do with the music video. We decided to change this idea completly but keep it along the lines of having low profiled jobs and having band performances. We have also made a decision upon making the music video have a twist in somehow. Instead of the characters interaciting face to face, as planned before, we decided to connect the two characters together by and object like a clock. Again, the clock indicates the whole purpose of the song 'Nine2Five'. The reason why we have decided to choose this song is because it consists of a male and female lead, this way we can show a contrast in female and male performances in our music video. We can also identify the different genres used, how their image contrast with each-other and how they fit together to make a pop/street song.